Video of Artist at Work 2015Uncategorized2015, exhibition3, paint, palette knife, sabkesevvom, salman khoshroo, studio, trowel, video, سبک سوم, سلمان خوشروsalmasterz Some of the painting process for the 2015 exhibition.
Studio Photos, at work 2015Uncategorized2015, exhibition3, paint, palette knife, photo, sabkesevvom, salman khoshroo, studio, trowel, سبک سوم, سلمان خوشروsalmasterz Photos by Hamed Farhangi
Experiments with Palette Knife and Trowel 2015Uncategorized2015, 50x65, color, paint, palette knife, paper, trowelsalmasterz Testing some ideas with palette knife and trowel, oil on paper 50x65cm